Lazy Sunday Mornings: Watch Sagmeister and Walsh’s Game Show

Lazy Sunday Mornings is a series much like Cool Stuff Roundup, but bringing you content that is fit for your lazy Sundays – longer, meatier, and chock full of deep thoughts and cool concepts.


The Piece of Plastic the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Doesn’t Want You to See
We know Photoshop can be used for evil, but hacking your way into the Oscars’ isn’t that evil, right?


Sagmeister x Walsh Hold a Game Show
And the results are fantastic. They currently have 4 episodes on their Vimeo page, but take a gander at Assignment One below and enjoy the kitsch.

Episode 1, Sagmeister X Walsh from Sagmeister & Walsh on Vimeo.


The No. 1 Time Management Mistake Capable People Make
“Why do otherwise intelligent people find it so easy to be distracted from what really matters?” Good question. Why do you think we are easily distracted?


100 Websites You Should Know and Use
In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” The folks at TED updated the list for 2013 and I can attest that I visit at least 25% of these. A great list for reference, indeed. Are there any on here you think they missed that should be included for 2014?

By AIGA New Orleans
Published March 9, 2014