Join us upstairs at Dat Dog II this November 18, when Alyson Kilday, Co-Founder of Hop & Jaunt Creative Agency, reveals the process behind turning creative ideas into viable real world product. She’ll be going over the process and lessons learned in creating and publishing What the Sleepy Animals Do at the Audubon Zoo, an award-winning picture book set in New Orleans.
Alyson will present a case study on how her and her partner John Clark’s illustration and design business, Hop & Jaunt, in collaboration with authors Grace Millsaps & Ryan Murphy, took an idea from inception to completion (and popular acclaim): from taming inspiration and forming an LLC to successfully crowdfunding a project and kickstarting a multi-avenue promotional machine. Following the presentation, we’ll turn the conversation to YOUR questions to Alyson about indie publishing as a small business. Come join AIGA New Orleans for Dat Dog’s famous hot dogs and happy-hour drink specials (until 7:00 pm), then sop up some invaluable tips for creative success through this triumph of independent publishing today.
Mingling and cocktails start at 6:30 pm. Presentation begins at 7:00 pm in the upstairs private room at the end of the hall. This is an intimate event with limited seating, so RSVP and turn up on time to ensure you have a seat!
What is a Small Talk?
AIGA New Orleans' Small Talks are designed to be intimately scaled events that offer attendees the opportunity to learn about business practices, view work, and discuss timely design-related topics with creatives first-hand in an informal setting.
About The Sleepy Animals
What the Sleepy Animals Do at the Audubon Zoo is an Independent Publisher Award-winning picture book that was created in New Orleans. It is independently published, and has sold nearly 7,000 copies since its release in July, 2013. You can read about how the team came together and how we came up with the story idea on our blog. The funds for the first round of printing were raised through the generous donations of friends, family, and fans via Indiegogo. Find out more about the book and at the process behind it at