The leaves are turning every shade from #FF0000 to #FFFF00, social media is bursting with bloodlust for and against Pumpkin Spice, and stores are fully stocked with sparkling Christmas goods. That can only mean one thing: Halloween is just around the corner!
You can still look every bit the designer even as you ditch your Work Uniform for a day. Enjoy AIGA New Orleans’ top suggestions for costumes to impress your designer friends and alienate everyone else!
Dress all in white with no distinguishing adornments.
Avoid conversation; your strength is in what you DON’T contribute.

Remember, your friends won’t be impressed unless it’s authentic. Snip, snip!

Finally, another use for your Wednesday Addams dress.

Sidehugs are mandatory in this display of carefully measured closeness.

Hang out in the periphery. Say nothing. Blink occasionally. Send shivers.

Got a witty, clever, or creative Halloween costume? Tweet us at @AIGANewOrleans and shoot us a photo!